Product Development Lifecycle


The Product Development Lifecycle consists of several crucial phases, each contributing to the successful launch and continual improvement of a product. Here are the key phases and insights shared by experts:

  1. Discovery: This initial phase involves understanding customer needs, market conditions, and potential technology solutions. It often serves as a roadmap for the upcoming quarter, setting the stage for further development stages if successful 1.

  2. Solutioning: Following discovery, this phase focuses on designing solutions to the identified needs, building upon the insights gathered during the discovery phase 1.

  3. Build: This is where the actual product development happens, transforming designs and solutions into tangible products 1.

  4. Launch, Measure, and Iterate: After launching the product, continuous measurement and iteration are critical. This phase aims to refine the product based on user feedback and performance metrics to enhance its value and functionality 1.

In addition to these phases, a significant aspect of the Product Development Lifecycle is integrating feedback mechanisms like the Voice of Customer. This strategy involves gathering both qualitative and quantitative data from customers to influence the product's development, thereby ensuring that the final product meets user expectations and needs effectively 2.

Overall, these phases create a structured approach to product development, ensuring meticulous planning and execution, which are essential for the product's success and longevity in the market.

Phases of Product Development

Annie Pearl explains the four phases of product development: discovery, solutioning, build, and launch measure and iterate. Each phase is a roadmap item for a quarter, building upon the success of the previous phase.

Lenny's Podcast

Behind the scenes of Calendly’s rapid growth | Annie Pearl (CPO)