Should AI be used in government?


Using AI in government presents both opportunities and challenges. AI and robotic military power can fundamentally alter the dynamics of democracy and security forces. If AI systems are not aligned with societal morals and are easily manipulated, they could destabilize governance structures, potentially rendering traditional change mechanisms, like protests or coups, ineffective in democracy 1.

However, AI also offers the potential to drastically improve administrative efficiency and policy implementation. The ability to modify the behaviors and motivations of AI systems quickly can serve to align them swiftly with changing governmental needs and policies 1.

There are risks associated with AI manipulation and vulnerability, which can be exacerbated in the competitive governmental landscape where security and military advancements are critical. The manipulation of AI systems could lead to undesirable and destabilizing alterations in their programming, potentially changing their alignment or behavior to serve adversarial interests 2.

Considering these factors, the use of AI in government requires rigorous ethical guidelines, robust security measures, and continual alignment checks to ensure that these systems serve the public interest without undermining democratic processes or societal stability.

AI and Future Regimes

Carl discusses the potential challenges of maintaining democracy in a future where AI and robotic military power are prevalent. He explores the concept of lock-in and how AI could drastically change the motivations and behavior of security forces and administrators. The ability to determine the underlying motivations of AI systems could revolutionize political affairs and reshape how societies function.

The Lunar Society

Carl Shulman (Pt 2) - AI Takeover, Bio & Cyber Attacks, Detecting Deception, & Humanity's Far Future