Benefits of tart cherry?


Tart cherry extract has been identified as beneficial primarily for aiding in sleep and reducing muscle soreness. Research indicates that tart cherry can be quite effective in increasing total sleep time as well as reducing the amount of time spent awake after initial sleep onset. In several studies, tart cherry consumption was shown to increase sleep by 34 to 84 minutes and reduce nighttime awakenings. Additionally, tart cherry has been used to decrease daytime napping, enhancing overall sleep quality 1 2.

Sleep and Tart Cherry

Matt Walker shares his research on the effects of tart cherry juice on sleep, revealing that it can increase sleep by up to 84 minutes and decrease daytime napping.

Huberman Lab

Dr. Matthew Walker: The Science & Practice of Perfecting Your Sleep | Huberman Lab Podcast #31

how much tart cherry juice should I drink to reduce muscle soreness?


To reduce muscle soreness, tart cherry juice is recommended at a moderate and consistent dosage. While the specific daily amount is not delineated in the cited discussions, it is generally suggested to be consumed regularly to achieve noticeable effects on muscle soreness 1. It's also worth noting that tart cherry juice's effectiveness can vary based on individual response, so it might be beneficial to adjust the quantity based on personal tolerance and results.

Garlic and Tart Cherry

Andrew and Andy discuss the potential benefits of garlic extract for recovery and injury, cautioning that boosting the wrong part of immunity could hinder the process. They also touch on the effectiveness of tart cherry extract for aiding in sleep and muscle soreness.

Huberman Lab

Dr. Andy Galpin: Optimal Nutrition & Supplementation for Fitness | Huberman Lab Guest Series

Can you show me research studies related to tart cherry juice and muscle soreness?


Research on tart cherry juice indicates its effectiveness in aiding sleep and reducing muscle soreness. The primary findings suggest a moderate effect on muscle soreness, especially beneficial for those engaging in physical activities or experiencing muscle fatigue. Supporting studies show that tart cherry juice can also help with sleep, making it a multi-functional supplement for recovery and well-being 1.

While discussing these benefits, it's also highlighted that the research is substantial but ongoing 2. Researchers continue to explore the broader applications and confirm these findings, making tart cherry juice a promising, yet still developing area of study in nutrition science.

Garlic and Tart Cherry

Andrew and Andy discuss the potential benefits of garlic extract for recovery and injury, cautioning that boosting the wrong part of immunity could hinder the process. They also touch on the effectiveness of tart cherry extract for aiding in sleep and muscle soreness.

Huberman Lab

Dr. Andy Galpin: Optimal Nutrition & Supplementation for Fitness | Huberman Lab Guest Series