How to take initiative?


Taking initiative can be approached effectively through several practical strategies:

  1. Embrace Every Aspect of the Organization: According to Rick Ross, taking initiative comes down to actively engaging with all aspects of a company or project. This means representing the brand, showing genuine interest, and behaving as if already part of the team long before officially joining. He emphasizes looking exceptional by already contributing in visible ways, such as promoting the brand or the company on social media 1.

  2. Feedback and Goals: Jordan Harbinger suggests setting concrete, achievable goals based on feedback from supervisors or managers. This strategy involves asking for a casual review of your performance, taking notes, shaping your future tasks according to this feedback, and continuously demonstrating dedication and commitment. Showing that you’re not just there to do the job, but to excel and go beyond expectations is key 2.

  3. Create Your Opportunities: Gabriel Mizrahi mentions taking an entrepreneurial approach within traditional career paths by performing tasks beyond your current role without being prompted. This could mean undertaking additional responsibilities, improving current processes, or starting new projects that add value to the company 3.

    Getting Opportunities

    Rick Ross advises taking initiative by embracing everything that the company has going on and showing genuine love for the brand. He suggests that if someone wants to work for him, they should already have been working for him for the past 12 months. He wants to see what they have done that is different and unique.

    The Jordan Harbinger Show

    569: Rick Ross | How to Boss Up and Build an Empire
  4. Continuous Learning and Adjustment: Lt. General H.R. McMaster emphasizes sharing information across your organization and always asking questions like "Who else needs to know?" or "Where are the opportunities?" This proactive information sharing and continuous search for improvement opportunities signal a high degree of initiative 4.

  5. Build Your Presence: In contexts like overcoming social anxiety or standing out in a group, Jordan Harbinger discusses using tips like the Ben Franklin effect to make people feel valued, which directly contributes to initiating relationships and networks in professional settings. This can kickstart careers by making proactive and thoughtful connections 5.

In all these scenarios, taking initiative is about being proactive, showing value and dedication before being asked to do so, and aligning your actions closely with organizational goals and culture. By doing so, you set yourself apart as an invaluable member of the team.