Nonprofit Founders


Here are some nonprofit founders who have been featured in podcasts, including discussions held on the Tim Ferriss Show:

  1. Blake Mycoskie: Founder of Toms Shoes and co-founder of Madefor. He is recognized for his work in philanthropy through his shoes company, where for every pair bought, a new pair was provided to people in need.

  2. Craig Foster: Co-founder of the Sea Change Project, an NGO focused on conserving the Great African Seaforest. He is also known for his documentary "My Octopus Teacher," which emphasizes the importance of ocean conservation.

  3. Willoughby Britton: Founder of Cheetah House, a nonprofit organization providing support for meditators in distress as well as safety trainings to providers and organizations. She is a clinical psychologist and a neuroscience research lab director.

  4. Seth Godin: Founder of the Carbon Almanac. He is a prolific author, blogger, entrepreneur, and is involved in various educational and environmental initiatives through his nonprofit endeavors.

If you need more details about their work, experiences, or insights they shared during their podcast appearances, please let me know!