How does metabolism regulate carbon?


and Andy Galpin discussed how metabolism regulates carbon through a process involving the storage and utilization of carbon molecules, which is fundamentally similar in both plants and humans. Here’s the key sequence of metabolic events regulating carbon in our bodies:

  1. Carbon Storage:

    • Humans ingest carbon by consuming carbohydrates, fats, and proteins, which are stored in various forms: glucose in the blood, glycogen in muscles and liver, fat in adipose tissues, and protein as structural components like muscle 1.
  2. Energy Release:

    • Metabolism involves breaking down these carbon-containing molecules to release energy. This process also releases carbon, which is then exhaled as carbon dioxide (CO2) after binding with oxygen during respiration 1.
  3. Sleep and Metabolism:

    • Different sleep states, such as REM and slow-wave sleep, regulate various metabolic pathways. For instance, slow-wave sleep enhances fatty acid oxidation, whereas the transition from sleep to wakefulness reduces it. This fine-tuning of metabolic processes during sleep affects how efficiently carbon molecules are utilized and stored 2.

These processes highlight how metabolism plays a crucial role in the regulation of carbon in the body by managing its intake, storage, and expulsion.

Carbon Circulation

Andy and Andrew discuss the circulation of carbon in plants and humans, explaining how photosynthesis works and how humans store and metabolize carbon. They compare the different forms of carbon storage in plants and humans and explain how metabolism helps to regulate carbon levels in the body.

Huberman Lab

Dr. Andy Galpin: How to Build Physical Endurance & Lose Fat | Huberman Lab Guest Series