

Fluoride is added to drinking water and toothpaste primarily to strengthen teeth and prevent cavities. It creates hyper strong mineral bonds in teeth, enhancing their resistance to decay. However, Andrew Huberman discusses safety concerns associated with fluoride, particularly relating to thyroid health and brain function, when consumed in excess. He notes that fluoride at high levels can be toxic, emphasizing that "the dose makes the poison" 1 2.

The ongoing debate about fluoride includes arguments for both reducing and increasing its levels in drinking water. Some people argue for removing fluoride due to potential health risks, while others claim insufficient fluoride can harm dental health, leading to lawsuits in places like California and Buffalo, New York 3.

Fluoride and Remineralization

Andrew explains how hydroxyapatite bonds in teeth are crucial for strength and how fluoride enhances these bonds to be super strong. Despite safety considerations, fluoride in water and toothpaste plays a significant role in oral health by creating robust mineral bonds.

Huberman Lab

How to Improve Oral Health & It's Critical Role in Brain & Body Health

Huberman also mentions alternatives to fluoride for strengthening teeth, such as hydroxyapatite, and offers consumer advice on toothpaste selection based on fluoride content preference. Additionally, he suggests practical steps for those concerned about fluoride exposure, like using water filters to reduce fluoride in tap water 4 5.