Plank exercise


The plank exercise, when performed correctly, can be highly effective for core and abs activation. However, it's often misused or done incorrectly, leading to poor posture or suboptimal core engagement.

Key Points on Plank Exercise from Mind Pump:

  1. Proper Technique: An effective plank requires pelvic tilt adjustments to activate the core properly and avoid reinforcing bad posture. Many people naturally have an anterior pelvic tilt, which can be exacerbated by incorrect planking, leading to additional stress on the lower back 1.

  2. Active Planks: Transitioning from a static plank to an active plank can significantly increase its effectiveness. This involves moving the hips towards the floor and performing a crunch-like movement to create repetitions that deeply engage the core muscles 2.

  3. Common Misuse: Planks are frequently used to fill time in training sessions without proper instruction or attention to form. This can lead to reliance on hip flexors rather than developing true core strength 3.

    The Plank Debate

    Adam and Sal discuss the pros and cons of the plank exercise. While many trainers misuse the plank, an active plank can be effective in activating the core and abs. The key is to perform it correctly, with a tilt of the pelvis to avoid reinforcing bad posture.

    Mind Pump Podcast

    #1381: Can Planks Train Bad Posture, Correctional Exercises for Knock Knees, Float Therapy & More
  4. Programming and Individual Adaptation: The suitability of the plank exercise varies among individuals depending on their posture, core stability, and overall fitness. Educating clients on correct form and gradually building up their endurance and technique is crucial 4.

  5. Alternatives for Beginners and Kids: For beginners or children, starting with planks on the knees can be a effective way of building core strength as they learn to control pelvic position and properly engage the core 5.

In summary, while the plank can be a powerful tool for core strengthening, its benefits are highly dependent on executing the exercise with correct form and understanding the biomechanics involved. Proper instruction and adaptation to the individual's fitness level are essential.