How can smoothies affect microbiome?


Smoothies can have a beneficial effect on the microbiome, especially when they include a diverse range of vegetables and fruits. and discussed an example of a retired physicist who dramatically changed his microbiome by consuming daily smoothies containing 57 different vegetables and fruits. This change in his diet led to remission of his autoimmune disease and significant improvements in his overall health, including weight loss and better management of glucose and insulin levels. The diversity of ingredients in the smoothie was key to these positive changes 1 .

Microbiome and Smoothies

Sara and Andrew discuss the benefits of smoothies and how they can positively impact the microbiome. They share a story of a retired physicist who transformed his health by consuming a smoothie with 57 fruits and vegetables daily, leading to a significant shift in his physiology and remission of his autoimmune disease.

Huberman Lab

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