How to form lasting habits?


Forming lasting habits involves transforming behaviors into automated actions that bypass conscious control. Dr. Sue Varma emphasizes that making choices should be minimized in the habit formation process because decision fatigue can undermine good choices, especially towards the end of the day. Therefore, it is crucial to establish routines that become innate habits, reducing the need for constant decision-making 1.

Additionally, the concept of 'habit stacking'—where simpler, achievable goals are built upon—can help form lasting habits. Instead of making drastic changes all at once, gradually adding or adjusting behavior ensures sustainability and helps build confidence 2.

Dr. Varma also points out the importance of reverse engineering goals by identifying achievable steps and anticipating obstacles. This approach, combined with self-awareness and an understanding of personal barriers, can facilitate successful habit formation. It is also vital to be compassionate with oneself, especially following setbacks, to maintain motivation 3.

Optimizing Habits

Dr. Sue Varma delves into the power of habits, the impact of trauma on the brain, and practical tips for cultivating optimism. Learn how to navigate past traumas, process emotions, and develop lasting optimistic habits for a better future.

The Neuro Experience with Louisa Nicola

#325 How Trauma Affects Our Habits and Our Life Choices | Dr Sue Varma, MD