Living for oneself


Living for oneself can be a deeply personal and philosophical endeavor. Here are insights from various experts on the topic:

  1. Philosophy and Self-Help: Kieran Setiya highlights the traditional connection between philosophy and self-help, emphasizing that thinking about how to live should make your life better. He notes that the line between moral philosophy, ethics, and self-help has blurred over time, with philosophers often addressing practical questions about living well 1.

  2. Living with Uncertainty: Stephen West discusses Richard Rorty's idea of living as an "ironist," which involves recognizing the complexity and uncertainty of the world while still functioning day-to-day. This approach accepts that no single worldview holds the ultimate truth, encouraging a flexible and open mindset 2.

  3. The Power of Self-Reliance: Ralph Waldo Emerson's concept of self-reliance focuses on turning inward to find truth and meaning. Stephen West explains how Emerson advocates trusting one's individual experiences as the primary source of connection with the transcendent aspects of the universe 3.

    Philosophy and Self-Help

    Explore the blurred line between philosophy and self-help as Kieran Setiya discusses the relevance of philosophy in practical questions about how to live and reconnects it with the idea of making our lives better.
    Making Sense Podcast
    Philosophy and the Good Life: A Conversation with Kieran Setiya (Episode #295)
  4. Philosophy of Life: Alex Hormozi discusses the importance of philosophical values in shaping one's life. He asserts that understanding why we do what we do and adopting a growth mindset significantly enhances personal fulfillment and well-being 4.

  5. Living Well vs. Happiness: Kieran Setiya differentiates between living well and being happy. He argues that the goal of life is not just to achieve happiness but to live well, which may include embracing negative emotions and accepting the reality of the world. This perspective broadens the self-help endeavor to include moral considerations and the well-being of others 5.

These perspectives suggest that living for oneself involves a balance of self-reflection, embracing uncertainty, trusting one's experiences, and understanding the deeper philosophical reasons behind our actions.