complex goals


In discussing the nature of complex goals in different contexts, experts provide insight into various areas:

  1. Governmental Complexity:

    • According to , the idea of a unified goal in governmental operations is misleading. He describes governments as emergent phenomena with no central guiding intentions, shaped by a complex array of individual emotions, desires, and political actions 1.
  2. Complexity in Morality and Guilt:

    • discusses the complexity of analyzing guilt and morality. He emphasizes that understanding true culpability in complex situations, such as criminal actions that might be justifiable under extreme circumstances, is challenging and not straightforward 2.
  3. The Complexity of Happiness and Success:

    • talks about the distinction between simple solutions and the complex nature of problems like achieving happiness or success. He suggests that mere social and material achievements do not address deeper complexities and instead recommends seeking fulfillment through contemplation and understanding personal drivers like idols 3.

      The Complex Nature of Government

      Explore the intricate workings of government and its emergent nature as Russ and Tom discuss the complex emotions and desires of people that shape political action and the legal environment.


      Tom Wainwright on Narconomics
  4. Emergence and Complexity in Systems:

    • In a discussion with , explores the concept of emergence, where complex systems and intelligences develop from simple beginnings. They delve into the idea that even in an overly simplified mechanistic universe, complexity and beauty can emerge, reflecting on the potential and risks of AI systems surpassing human capabilities 4.

These points showcase the breadth and intricacy of understanding complex goals across different domains, demonstrating that complexity often requires integrated, thoughtful approaches rather than simple, direct solutions.