Performance Review


Jordan Harbinger provides several insights on how to handle performance reviews and use them as opportunities for career advancement:

  1. Leverage Positive Reviews for Promotion: A positive performance review is a strategic time to ask for a promotion or raise. If your review highlights your contributions and successes, it can serve as a strong basis to advocate for your career progression. Jordan suggests thanking your supervisors for the positive feedback and then discussing your promotion or salary adjustment, aligning it with your proven performance and organizational value 1.

  2. Prepare for the Discussion: Preparation is crucial. You might consider preparing a script or a brief presentation outlining your case for a promotion or raise. This preparation helps in clarifying your contributions and aligning them with the expectations and goals of your organization. It's also suggested to time your request strategically, such as during a performance review, to ensure the discussion is relevant and timely 1 2.

  3. Document Conversations and Contributions: Keeping a record of significant achievements, feedback, and even everyday interactions can be beneficial. These records can be useful during your performance review or when discussing potential career advancements with your supervisors. It provides a clear, documented trail of your contributions and professional demeanor 3.

    Asking for a Promotion

    Jordan and Gabriel discuss how to prepare for a promotion negotiation and why it's important to wait until after a performance review to ask for a promotion. They also explain why it's beneficial to have a script or memo ready to present your case and how to use a positive review to your advantage.

    The Jordan Harbinger Show

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  4. Be Proactive in Seeking Feedback: Actively seeking feedback can demonstrate your commitment to personal and professional growth. Regular feedback sessions with your manager can help you adjust your performance according to the organizational needs and prepare better for official performance reviews 4.

  5. Use Constructive Feedback Effectively: When receiving constructive feedback, focus not only on the areas that need improvement but also on maintaining the strengths you already possess. It’s important to approach feedback with a mindset of growth and development, ensuring that you are continuously moving towards your professional goals 5.

These strategies suggest a proactive approach towards managing performance reviews, using them not just as evaluations, but as opportunities for meaningful professional development and career advancement.