How to track jaguars in the wild?


Tracking jaguars in the wild requires keen observation and a deep understanding of animal behavior. Paul Rosolie, who has extensive experience in the jungle, shares some insights on how to track these elusive predators.

  1. Finding Tracks: Look for jaguar tracks along streams or near water sources. Observing the depth and position of the tracks can provide clues about the jaguar's actions. For instance, if the toes are deeper than the back, the jaguar might have been drinking water 1.

  2. Scat Analysis: Fresh jaguar scat, often accompanied by butterflies, can indicate the presence of a jaguar nearby. Differentiating between fresh and older scat helps in understanding the movements and recent activity of the animal 1.

  3. Secondary Signs: Look for other signs like vultures circling overhead, which may indicate a recent kill. Jaguars often return to the same spot multiple times to drink water when they are feeding on a kill nearby 1.

  4. Close Encounters: Encounters can be intense but informative. In one instance, Paul had a jaguar approach him while he was sleeping in a hammock, and he learned a lot about the animal's behavior by staying calm and observant 2.

By combining these observational techniques, you can piece together the presence and activities of jaguars, similar to constructing a crime scene, as Paul Rosolie describes 1.

Jaguar Tracks

Paul shares his experience with Lex while tracking jaguars in the wild. Lex's incredible observation skills and attention to detail are highlighted as he constructs the crime scene and draws conclusions from the evidence.

Lex Fridman Podcast

Paul Rosolie: Amazon Jungle, Uncontacted Tribes, Anacondas, and Ayahuasca | Lex Fridman Podcast #369