How to cut down on restaurant spending?


Cutting down on restaurant spending can be achieved through a few strategic approaches:

  1. Meal Planning: Discipline and planning are key. On weekends, plan out meals for the upcoming week. Cooking larger meals that provide leftovers can stretch your budget further. For instance, cooking two meals that last multiple days can save time and money 1.

  2. Set a Budget: Aim to spend a specific amount per meal. Brad Barrett recommends keeping meal costs to around $2 per person, though even $3-$4 is still effective. This approach involves preparing most meals at home and can significantly reduce dining expenses 1.

  3. Adopt a Mindset Shift: Understand that cooking at home is not just a cheaper alternative, but also healthier and often more enjoyable. By viewing home-cooked meals as a highlight of your day, you can find joy in the process rather than seeing it as a chore 2.

  4. No Spend Challenges: Temporarily challenge yourself to avoid spending on non-essential items, including dining out. This can help reset your spending habits and highlight areas where you can save 3.

    Frugal Food

    Brad and Jonathan discuss the importance of crushing your food bill and eating at home to save money and be healthier. They recommend setting up a game plan for meals for the week and using discipline to create a framework that makes life easier. Laura plans two meals for the week, making enough for leftovers, resulting in five meals from one cooked meal.


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  5. Intentional Living: Focus on intentional spending based on what you truly value. This may involve reducing frequency of visits to expensive restaurants and reallocating those funds to experiences or goals that matter more to you 4.

By applying these strategies, you can effectively reduce your restaurant spending, saving money and potentially improving your overall well-being.