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The episode "087 | Education Through Innovation | Don Wettrick" from the features a discussion on how innovation can be integrated into education. The episode highlights several key insights:

  • Changing Consumption Habits: Consumption patterns evolve as individuals focus more on production over passive consumption, shifting towards 'infotainment' that boosts productivity 1.
  • Future of Employment: There's a focus on the impact of automation on employment, with recommendations on staying adaptable and informed about changes in the job market 2.
  • Entrepreneurship in Schools: The episode discusses the potential for schools to serve as innovation hubs where students can interact with entrepreneurs and learn practical skills 3.

    Shifting Consumption Habits

    Jonathan and Don discuss how their consumption habits have shifted towards infotainment and seeking better mentors, inspiring Don's daughter to start her own podcast to introduce her generation to influential figures. The conversation highlights the importance of surrounding oneself with like-minded individuals to foster growth and learning.


    087 | Education Through Innovation | Don Wettrick
  • Embracing Failure: Guests discuss the importance of embracing failure and risks to foster personal growth and innovation 4.
  • Supporting ChooseFI: Methods to support the podcast are shared, emphasizing engagement and spreading financial independence knowledge to others 5.

Overall, the episode encourages a proactive, innovative approach to learning and personal development, while also considering broader economic trends affecting future employment opportunities.