How does social credit work?


The social credit system in China functions as a mechanism to monitor and assess the behavior of citizens and businesses, influencing their social reputations. Here are key components and features of this system:

  1. Point-Based System: Each citizen is allotted a starting number of points. Actions can either add to or subtract from this score. High scores can grant privileges, while low scores can lead to restrictions 1.

  2. Rewards and Punishments: Positive actions like returning lost money, helping the police, or donating organs can increase a person's score. Conversely, negative behaviors such as spreading rumors or speaking against the government can lead to point deductions 2.

  3. Impact on Daily Life: A person's score can affect their access to services and opportunities. High scores might lead to faster hospital service or better job prospects, while low scores could restrict travel, education, and employment opportunities 3 4.

    China's Social Credit

    Laowhy86 discusses China's social credit system, which assigns citizens a score based on their behavior. The system is used to create a model citizen who is loyal to the Communist party and punishes those who speak out against it.

    The Jordan Harbinger Show

    643: Laowhy86 | How the Chinese Social Credit Score System Works Part One
  4. Regional Variations: The system is not uniformly implemented across China. Different regions might have specific rules and focuses depending on local issues, although there are some generalized national guidelines, such as penalties for anti-government actions 5.

  5. Surveillance and Data Collection: The system leverages extensive surveillance technologies, including facial recognition, to monitor and enforce the system. This high level of surveillance integrates with social credit, impacting even minor behaviors like jaywalking 4.

This system, while ostensibly promoting social responsibility, has raised concerns about privacy, freedom, and the potential for abuse. It significantly intertwines with the broader surveillance practices in the country.