Purpose of Business


The purpose of business has evolved significantly over time and can vary widely depending on cultural shifts, generational expectations, and individual philosophies. Here are key insights from trusted experts on the purpose of business:

Purpose and Values

  • Dorothea Baur notes that modern businesses must define a legitimate and attractive purpose beyond mere profit. This includes addressing what problems the business solves and what values it adds to the world, crucial for attracting the younger generation and surviving in today's market 1.

Profit and Sustainability

  • Magatte Wade argues that while profit is essential for any business to survive (referred to as the "blood of a business"), the end goal should ideally be purposeful. She highlights the Conscious Capitalism movement which supports purpose-driven businesses that aim to address societal needs 2.

The Economic Perspective

  • Ben Shapiro offers a more traditional economic viewpoint, emphasizing that the purpose of an economy—and by extension, businesses within it—is to serve the needs of the consumers by providing products and services at a consensual price, not necessarily to create jobs or provide personal meaning 3.

    Purpose in Business

    Dorothea emphasizes the critical role of purpose in modern businesses, highlighting the shift in employee and stakeholder expectations towards meaningful impact and sustainability.

    Beyond Coding Podcast

    Ethics, Values, and Layoffs in Big Tech | Dorothea Baur | Beyond Coding Podcast #92

Ethical and Social Responsibilities

  • Seth Bannon critiques the Friedman Doctrine, which posits that the sole purpose of business is to increase profits. Instead, Bannon advocates for a balanced approach where businesses also focus on solving societal and environmental problems, suggesting that new ways of thinking can drive business innovation differently 4.

Entrepreneurial Mindset

  • Reid Hoffman stresses the importance of purpose from the get-go in entrepreneurship. He suggests that businesses should aim to make society better while achieving their aims, and that having a purpose is crucial for sustaining motivation and overcoming challenges 5.

These perspectives illustrate that while classic economic theory emphasizes profit, there is a strong and growing focus on the broader societal, ethical, and environmental impact of business activities, particularly among newer generations.