Lawyer time


The topic of legal advice and the role of lawyers in various contexts is covered in a few podcast episodes. Here are some key insights:

  1. Misguided Legal Advice:

    • Lawyers may offer excellent advice, but defendants may choose not to follow it. There are instances where defendants spend excessively on legal processes only to eventually accept plea deals they could have taken earlier, resulting in significant financial and time losses 1.
  2. Legal Advice and Non-Legal Roles:

    • Karen Sandler discusses the complexity of balancing legal and non-legal roles within an organization, emphasizing the importance of unbiased legal counsel to enable better decision-making 2.
  3. Trump's Legal Troubles:

    • Former President Trump often rejected his lawyers' advice, which led to extended legal battles and potential complications. This illustrates the challenges and consequences when clients ignore professional legal advice 3.

      Misguided Legal Advice

      Justin explains that while lawyers may give excellent advice, some defendants may not take it, leading to poor outcomes. He also discusses how defendants can hold lawyers accountable and make better experiences through the system.

      The Jordan Harbinger Show

      226: Justin Paperny | Lessons From Prison
  4. Lawyers as Entrepreneurs:

    • Daniel van Binsbergen shares insights on lawyers as founders, discussing how a legal background can make one risk-averse but also aids in negotiation and organizational skills 4.
  5. Affordable Legal Services for Businesses:

    • BizCounsel offers affordable legal services, providing businesses with easy access to legal consultations for a monthly fee, highlighting the evolving ways legal services are being provided to meet different needs 5.
  6. Legal Help for Business Formation:

    • LegalZoom provides a broad range of legal services including business formation and connects clients with a network of lawyers for ongoing legal issues without hourly billing, illustrating an accessible model for legal assistance 6.

These discussions reflect various aspects of the legal profession, including the importance of following professional advice, the challenges of managing dual roles, and innovative models for providing legal services.