

Shane Parrish hasn't directly discussed abstinence in the available clips. However, his discussions about values and intellectual rigor provide a relevant framework for understanding how people might approach the concept thoughtfully.

Shane emphasizes the importance of understanding all sides of an argument before forming an opinion. This requires intellectual playfulness and curiosity to create well-rounded viewpoints, especially in discussions where values are at stake 1 .

In another conversation, psychotherapist Esther Perel explains that differences in values and beliefs, such as those involving abstinence, are often not the primary issue. Instead, it's how couples handle these differences that determines the health of their relationship 2 .

If you have a specific context or further details about "abstinence" you're interested in, please let me know!

Developing Thoughtful Opinions

Shane emphasizes the importance of understanding all sides of an argument before forming an opinion. He highlights the value of intellectual playfulness in creating well-rounded viewpoints, contrasting the pitfalls of relying on surface-level abstractions found online.

The Art of Manliness

#471: Using Mental Models to Make Better Decisions