Office Politics


In Jordan Harbinger's discussion on office politics, he explores how imposter syndrome can play into workplace dynamics. Gabriel Mizrahi notes that individuals may exacerbate their feelings of imposterism by either overly aligning with popular opinions to gain acceptance or silencing their own views to avoid conflict. This can divert their focus from the actual quality of their work to managing perceptions, which in turn enforces the imposter syndrome—creating a cycle of misrepresentation and self-doubt[1 ].

Additionally, Jordan Harbinger discusses handling difficult bosses and career blocking scenarios. For handling difficult bosses, he recommends maintaining professionalism, documenting everything, and preparing for potential negative feedback without reacting emotionally. If these strategies don't improve the situation, exploring other employment opportunities is advised as a last resort[2 ]. Regarding career blocking, Harbinger suggests addressing the issue directly with the boss in a non-confrontational written format, specifying how such behaviors hinder collective success. He also recommends keeping a personal copy of all communications in case the situation escalates[3 ].

Imposter Syndrome Catch-22

Gabriel and Jordan discuss how imposter syndrome can lead to a catch-22 situation in the workplace, where individuals feel like they need to play up certain opinions or personalities to fit in, but end up feeling like fakers. This can perpetuate imposter syndrome and hinder real growth and development. They also touch on how this is relevant for founders and managers to understand.

The Jordan Harbinger Show

127: How to Overcome Imposter Syndrome | Deep Dive