Night terror treatment


Night terrors can be distressing, but there are various treatments available, both psychological and pharmacological.

Psychological Approaches

  1. Image Rehearsal Therapy (IRT):
    • discusses IRT as an effective psychological approach for treating nightmares. The therapy involves working with a therapist to alter the endings of recurring nightmares to more neutral or positive scenarios. By regularly rehearsing these new endings, patients can modify their nightmare memories and reduce their frequency and severity 1 2 3.

      Dealing with Nightmares

      Explore the latest research on nightmares and their impact on sleep, including insights on treatment approaches and the use of overnight therapy.

      The Matt Walker Podcast

      #49 - Nightmares and Treatment

Pharmacological Approaches

  1. Medication:
    • Prazasin, a medication often used to treat PTSD-related nightmares, can be effective for severe cases of night terrors. mentions its use in clinical settings to help reduce the intensity of nightmares 1.

Lifestyle Modifications

  1. Reading Non-Intense Materials:

    • Reading calming and pleasant books before bed can help some people reduce night terrors. For example, found that switching to reading romance novels before sleep significantly improved her condition 4.
  2. Medical Marijuana:

    • considers using medical marijuana to manage night terrors, particularly when anxiety is a trigger. The calming effects of marijuana might help in reducing the occurrence of night terrors by aiding in relaxation and sleep induction 5.

In summary, treatments for night terrors range from psychological therapies like IRT to medications such as Prazasin, and even lifestyle adjustments like reading calming literature or using medical marijuana. As always, consulting with a healthcare provider is recommended to determine the best approach based on individual needs and conditions.


What are some other therapies for night terrors?


In addition to Image Rehearsal Therapy (IRT), other therapies for night terrors and nightmares include:

Lucid Dreaming

  • Lucid Dreaming Techniques: Participants can use smells or tones to cue themselves into a wakeful state while asleep. This state allows them to alter the dream narrative consciously. Through repeated practice, they can transform distressing dreams into neutral or positive ones 1.

Exposure Therapy

  • Controlled Exposure: Therapy involves repeatedly discussing and writing down nightmares with a therapist. Gradually, this method can reduce distress by reframing the nightmares into less fearful contexts. This gradual exposure helps in desensitizing the emotional impact 2.

Sensory Re-imagination

  • Sensory Details: Incorporating sensory details in dream re-scripting (like smells and tastes) can be especially effective. Reimagining nightmares with pleasant, detailed scenarios and rehearsing these positive versions can retrain the brain to reduce the frequency of nightmares 3 4.

    Lucid Dreaming

    Andrew and Gina discuss a study on lucid dreaming where participants were able to escape recurring nightmares by cueing themselves to a particular smell or tone during wakefulness and changing the narrative in the dream. They also touch on the emotional load of dreams and how trauma therapy involves suppressing or cathartic responses to emotional activity.

    Huberman Lab

    Dr. Gina Poe: Use Sleep to Enhance Learning, Memory & Emotional State | Huberman Lab Podcast

Sleep Hygiene

  • Optimal Sleep Environment: Improving sleep hygiene can also help mitigate night terrors. Adjusting light exposure, maintaining regular sleep schedules, and ensuring a calming pre-sleep routine can contribute to better sleep quality and reduce occurrences of night terrors 2.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia (CBT-I)

  • CBT-I Techniques: Though primarily for insomnia, CBT-I can also help address night terrors by improving overall sleep patterns. Techniques include stimulus control, sleep restriction, cognitive restructuring, and relaxation training.

Overall, employing these diverse therapies can be beneficial for individuals dealing with night terrors and recurring nightmares. Consulting a healthcare professional for personalized advice and therapy adaptations is strongly recommended.


Are there any self-help strategies for night terrors?


There are several self-help strategies that can help manage night terrors:

Relaxation Techniques

  • Pre-Bed Relaxation: Practicing relaxation techniques such as paced breathing (in for four seconds, out for eight) or listening to a relaxation script via a mindfulness app before bed can reduce stress signals in your body, which may help diminish night terrors 1.

Sleep Environment

  • Optimize Sleep Hygiene: Creating an optimal sleep environment by maintaining darkness in your bedroom can enhance melatonin production, which is crucial for quality sleep. Changing bulb colors to warmer tones in the evening can also aid in winding down your day more smoothly 2.

Avoid Triggers

  • Limit Exposure to Violent Media: For some people, watching violent movies or engaging with similarly distressing content can trigger night terrors. Avoiding such media can help reduce the occurrence of these distressing episodes 3.

    Nightmare Protocol Revealed

    Kaz introduces the Nightmare Protocol, a technique developed by researchers to address recurring nightmares. By practicing relaxation techniques before bed and choosing a changed ending for the nightmare, individuals can take control and alter the outcome of their unsettling dreams.

    The Mind Deconstructed Podcast Episodes

    The Mind Deconstructed Podcast - Nightmares


  • Supplement Use: Certain supplements like lemon balm can improve sleep quality and help with night terrors without heavy sedative effects. They are safe and can be considered for both adults and children experiencing night terrors 4.

Imagery Rehearsal Therapy (IRT)

  • Rewriting Nightmares: Using IRT involves picking a recurring nightmare, rewriting it into a happier story, and repeatedly imagining the new version while awake. This method trains the brain to associate the dream with positive outcomes, potentially reducing the frequency and impact of nightmares 3 5.

These strategies can provide practical steps to mitigate night terrors' impact. For personalized guidance, consulting a healthcare professional is always recommended.


Any additional tips for night terrors?


Here are additional tips for managing night terrors based on insights from experienced professionals:

Imagery Rehearsal Therapy (IRT)

  • Rewrite Nightmares: IRT involves describing your most common nightmare and then working with a therapist to rewrite it with positive or neutral outcomes. By repeatedly rehearsing these new endings, you can reduce the frequency and emotional impact of nightmares 1.

Practicing Relaxation

  • Nightmare Protocol: Another effective approach includes practicing relaxation techniques like paced breathing (in for four seconds, out for eight) or using a mindfulness app. This helps lower stress signals that can feed into night terrors 2.

Managing Nighttime Environment

  • Avoid Waking Up: For children experiencing night terrors, it's generally recommended not to wake them up, as they are not fully conscious. Instead, ensuring they are safe and guiding them gently back to bed can be more helpful 3.

    Overcoming Nightmares

    Discover how Image Rehearsal Therapy can help you overcome recurring nightmares by rewriting negative scenarios and replacing them with neutral or even pleasant alternatives. Learn how this psychological approach can significantly reduce the frequency and severity of nightmares, providing relief for those who suffer from them.

    The Matt Walker Podcast

    #49 - Nightmares and Treatment

Emotional Processing

  • Therapy and Stress Management: Emotional stress can contribute significantly to night terrors. Addressing underlying emotional issues through therapy or stress management strategies can be beneficial. For some, these dreams are a way for the brain to process emotional peaks and troughs from waking life 4.

Implementing these strategies can provide a comprehensive approach to mitigating the frequency and intensity of night terrors. If problems persist, consulting with a healthcare professional is advisable.