Workplace success


For achieving workplace success, Jordan Harbinger has explored various aspects through conversations with his guests. Here are some key insights:

  1. Instilling a Good Work Ethic:

    • David Rubenstein highlighted the importance of personal example and valuing education over material possessions. He shared that demonstrating a strong work ethic and not flaunting wealth can inspire the same values in others around you. He also emphasized the ongoing challenges and learning processes involved in success 1.
  2. Addressing Work Addiction:

    • Work addiction can be detrimental despite initial appearances of success. Arthur Brooks discussed how workaholism, driven by an addiction to success, can lead to bypassing true happiness and self-objectification. He stressed the importance of recognizing and addressing this unhealthy dependence on achievement for a balanced life 2.

These insights reflect the significance of a balanced approach to hard work and achievement, valuing intrinsic motivation and education while avoiding the pitfalls of excessive work addiction.

Raising Successful Kids

David Rubenstein shares his insights on how he instilled a good work ethic and drive in his successful children, emphasizing the importance of valuing education over material possessions. The conversation also touches on the competitiveness of college admissions and the changing perceptions of prestigious universities.

The Jordan Harbinger Show

606: David Rubenstein | Patriotic Philanthropy and Leading Large