Importance of learning from mistakes?


Learning from mistakes is fundamentally important for skill acquisition and cognitive development. According to , making errors is crucial because they signal to the nervous system that an adjustment is needed, thus opening up possibilities for plasticity. This process involves not just the detection of errors but actively engaging with them, which promotes attentional shifts necessary for learning and adaptation 1.

Errors essentially cue the nervous system for corrections and enhance neuroplasticity, the ability of the brain to adapt and change through experience. This makes errors a vital aspect of learning, as they trigger the brain regions responsible for attention and help fine-tune our actions 2.

Moreover, the approach to errors should be informed by persistence rather than avoidance; continuous engagement with challenging tasks, despite errors, facilitates deeper learning and cognitive growth. This approach aligns with building a "growth mindset," where the focus is on effort and learning from mistakes rather than merely achieving success 3.

Learning with Errors

Andrew explains that making errors is key to opening up the possibility of plasticity and improving skill learning. He suggests designating a block of time for repetitions and performing the maximum number of repetitions safely per unit time. He emphasizes that making errors many times within the same session is important, as it cues attention to the appropriate sensory events.

Huberman Lab

How to Learn Skills Faster | Huberman Lab Podcast #20