Water safety


Water safety is a multi-faceted issue involving the presence of contaminants, the infrastructure of water systems, and the methods of water purification. Here are some key insights:

1. Contaminants in Water

  • There are about 85,000 chemicals, with around 100 monitored by U.S. public water systems. Certain contaminants, like PFAS and PFOS, are widely prevalent even in developed countries and can be found almost universally. Robert Slovak emphasizes the importance of using certified water purification systems to mitigate these risks 1.

2. Reverse Osmosis as a Purification Method

  • In areas with high contamination such as big cities, reverse osmosis is often recommended to ensure clean drinking water. This method is generally trusted to remove a wide range of impurities 2.

3. Understanding and Improving Infrastructure

  • The crumbling water infrastructure in the U.S. is a significant issue, receiving a grade of "C" from the American Society of Civil Engineers. To combat water contamination effectively, substantial investment is required to modernize current systems 2.

4. Personal Actions for Water Safety

  • It is crucial for individuals to understand what is in their water by consulting local water quality reports. This awareness helps in choosing the right purification technology 1.

5. Global Impact of Clean Water

  • The profound impact of providing clean water is illustrated through the work of organizations like Charity: Water in regions like Liberia. Addressing water safety can drastically reduce diseases and improve overall community health 3.

    Water Contaminants

    Learn about the hidden contaminants in our water and how to choose a reliable water purification system. Robert shares important guidelines and testing standards to ensure the removal of harmful substances.

    Ben Greenfield Life

    Water That Is Closest To Human Plasma, Hydrogen Water Myths, Best Water Filters With Robert Slovak

6. The Bigger Picture on Water Chemistry

  • It's also important to consider the type of water consumed, such as tap water versus specially treated waters like high PH or reverse osmosis water. Understanding the impact of water's PH on bodily absorption can aid in selecting the most beneficial form of water for personal health 4.

7. Concerns Over Bottled Water

  • Storing and consuming water from certain types of containers, especially plastics, can expose individuals to harmful chemicals. Even bottled waters can contain unexpected contaminants like radioactive elements or high levels of arsenic, highlighting the need for personal diligence and possibly filtration at home 5.

Overall, ensuring water safety involves both personal responsibility in choosing and maintaining proper filtration methods and broader societal actions to update and improve water infrastructure systems.