Violence in America


Violence in America has seen significant increases, particularly in recent years. Experts like and discuss that in 2020, the U.S. experienced a nearly 30% rise in murder, the largest one-year increase since records began in 1960. This surge affects communities deeply, exacerbating trauma, undermining community investment, and increasing racial and economic inequalities 1. The spike is attributed to multiple factors, including the COVID-19 pandemic, increased gun purchases, and societal unrest following incidents of police brutality, such as the murder of George Floyd 2.

Violence doesn't only claim lives; it also impacts children's ability to learn and communities' economic stability by making neighborhoods less appealing for businesses and families. This cyclical relationship between violence and inequality persistently undermines community life 2.

Experts like predict potential increases in violence in the future, noting that American history is cyclical in nature, with periods of peace followed by spikes in violence. This cyclical violence could potentially be worse now given the advancements in weaponry 3.

American Violence Crisis

Understanding the fragility of peace, Patrick emphasizes the unsustainable nature of policing in combating violence. He proposes a community-based vision for public safety, highlighting the need to address violent crime without solely relying on law enforcement. The conversation delves into the complexities of reimagining public safety amidst rising crime rates.

The Ezra Klein Show

Why Is Murder Spiking? And Can Cities Address It Without Police?

Amidst these complexities, some propose community-based public safety models as alternatives to traditional policing, which often exacerbates the underlying issues 1. However, differing political perspectives and the contentious nature of today's environment make it challenging to find universally accepted solutions 4 5.