sound processing


Sound processing involves the intricate transformation of sound waves into electrical signals that the brain can interpret. According to , this process begins with the movement of air, creating sound waves. These sound waves are then converted into brain waves, where electricity becomes the currency of the nervous system. Essentially, while sound enters through the ear, it is the brain that makes sense of it.

Kraus explains that sound is composed of various elements or "ingredients" such as pitch, timbre, harmonics, and loudness. These ingredients are processed by the brain using a metaphorical mixing board, where each fader on the board represents different aspects of sound processing. The brain adjusts these faders based on our experiences and interactions with sound, making each person's perception of sound unique.

The brain's interpretation of these sound elements is highly influenced by individual life experiences, leading to the conclusion that not everyone hears the same sound in the same way, much like how visual perception varies from person to person 1.

The Marvel of Sound

Nina Kraus explores the fascinating world of sound, discussing how sound works from a biological standpoint. She highlights the transformation of sound waves into brain waves and emphasizes the importance of the brain in making sense of the various ingredients of sound. Kraus uses the metaphor of a mixing board to illustrate the brain's processing of different sound elements.


Nina Kraus on Hearing, Noise, and Of Sound Mind