Fintech Investing


Fintech investing offers diverse opportunities for both investors and founders, driven by vast market potential, technological innovations, and changing financial landscapes.

  1. Market Opportunity: Fintech is a significant part of the global economy, representing around 20-25% of GDP. Despite substantial investments over the last decade, many areas within financial services remain underserved, indicating ample room for growth 1.

  2. Democratizing Investments: Fintech is democratizing access to financial services, enabling individuals to invest in asset classes previously reserved for institutions. This trend parallels the rise of ETFs and indexing in public markets, which have made investing more accessible and liquid for retail investors 2.

  3. Innovation Focus: Successful fintech investments often involve novel solutions to existing problems. For example, dynamic CVV technology combats card-not-present fraud by changing the CVV code each time it’s used, enhancing security 3.

    Fintech's Vast Potential

    Jake and Sheel discuss the untapped potential of fintech, highlighting the vast opportunities beyond traditional banking services. Samir emphasizes how even non-fintech companies are integrating financial technology into their offerings, showcasing the expansive reach of this industry.

    Venture Unlocked: The playbook for venture capital managers

    Better Tomorrow Ventures, Jake and Sheel on Investing in FinTech, fund construction, and fundraising lessons
  4. Geographical Density: Key fintech ecosystems like New York dominate the market, suggesting that geographical density of financial institutions, startups, and investors plays a crucial role. This concentration fosters vibrant ecosystems and higher probabilities for successful exits and innovations 4.

  5. Startup Success Factors: Investors look for startups with initial traction in terms of customers and revenues, particularly in fields where technology can significantly lower costs and improve service efficiency. This approach ensures potential for scalable businesses with solid revenue models 5.

  6. Long-Term Bullishness: Fintech’s inefficiency and large GDP footprint make it a ripe field for long-term investment. Investors look for unique, scalable solutions in areas like AI-driven financial tools, fraud compliance, and more innovative financial infrastructure 6.

By addressing underserved markets and leveraging technology to enhance financial services, fintech continues to provide substantial growth and investment opportunities.