What is resistance in therapy?


Resistance in therapy often involves a patient's internal barriers or avoidance tactics, making it challenging to engage fully with the therapeutic process. Jordan Harbinger explains that resistance can manifest as avoidance of uncomfortable feelings or the therapy itself, due to fear of confronting painful emotions or uncovering difficult truths about oneself or others 1. Gabriel Mizrahi adds that this resistance is meaningful and often becomes a subject of therapy, particularly in approaches like psychodynamic therapy, which delve into these resistances to foster healing 1.

Avoidance and the urge to flee when therapy becomes intense are common forms of resistance. Patients may pull away when sessions become emotionally challenging, reflecting a broader pattern of avoidance in their lives 2. This resistance can be addressed by recognizing and discussing it openly with the therapist, which can lead to valuable insights and progress in therapy 2.

In summary, resistance in therapy is a natural and significant aspect of the therapeutic process, often reflecting deeper fears and avoidance behaviors. It is crucial to address these resistances with the help of a therapist to achieve meaningful growth and healing.

Overcoming Resistance

Jordan and Gabriel discuss the resistance that often comes with starting therapy and how it can be a barrier to growth and healing. They suggest being upfront with a therapist about the resistance and exploring it together as it can be a meaningful part of the therapeutic process.

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