What's the best workout program?


The best workout program is highly individual and depends on consistency more than any specific type of exercise. According to , the most important factor in choosing a workout program is whether it is something you can stick with consistently. He emphasizes that a subpar program done consistently will outperform the best program done inconsistently. Consistency is crucial because the failure rate with workout programs is extremely high, with over 85% of people abandoning their routines within six months 1.

In addition, while resistance training is highly recommended because it builds strength, stability, mobility, and speeds up the metabolism, it should be combined appropriately with other forms of exercise based on personal preferences and goals. The flexibility of resistance training makes it a preferable choice for most people 2.

For those who only have limited time each week, suggests a full-body resistance training routine that can be done one to three times per week, advocating that this approach benefits nearly all physical pursuits from endurance to fat loss 3. Thus, the best program is not about the specific exercises alone, but how well it suits your lifestyle and supports consistency and longevity.

Innovative Fitness Strategies

Justin, Sal, and Adam discuss the power of short, effective workouts and the importance of consistency in fitness programs. They emphasize that adherence is key, highlighting how even a simple program done consistently can outperform a complex one done sporadically.

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