Mirror work


Mirror work, often discussed within the context of communication and negotiation strategies, involves repeating a few key words that another person has just spoken. This simple technique encourages the speaker to continue elaborating on their thoughts or to provide more detailed explanations. It's not about imitating body language or vocal tone, but rather about focusing on verbal repetition to facilitate deeper understanding and engagement in conversations.

Chris Voss, an expert in negotiation, underscores that mirroring is less about mimicry and more about prompting people to expand on their statements. By mirroring significant words, you signal that you’ve heard the speaker but still seek further clarification, thereby prompting them to rephrase or delve deeper into their thoughts. This technique is often used in high-stakes negotiations to achieve clearer communication and better outcomes 1 2.

Mirroring can also be an effective way of managing conversations by helping both parties remain engaged and ensuring that the conversation remains open and ongoing. This can be especially useful in cases where clear communication is vital, such as negotiations or difficult conversations 1.

As an additional practical tip, mirroring is not only applicable in conflict situations but can be useful in everyday interactions to improve communication efficacy and relationship building.

The Power of Mirroring

Learn how mirroring can be a simple yet highly effective tool in communication. Chris Voss explains how mirroring helps people feel heard, expands their thoughts, and enhances understanding. Discover the power of mirroring in improving communication skills.

Huberman Lab

Chris Voss: How to Succeed at Hard Conversations | Huberman Lab Podcast