How to identify your skills?


Identifying your skills often starts with self-awareness and recognizing that what you find easy might be difficult for others. Alan Donegan, speaking with , explained that skills like data analysis or using Excel can be undervalued if you're surrounded by people with similar abilities. Donegan emphasized that what comes naturally to you could be highly valuable in different contexts 1 .

Recognizing your skills involves stepping out of your usual environment to see their broader value. Brad Barrett highlighted this by relating how someone exceptional in a seemingly mundane task, like creating data visualizations for a burpee challenge, can be impressive when applied in a business setting 1 .

Reflect on tasks you find easy but others struggle with, and seek feedback from diverse environments to gauge the true value of your capabilities. This mindset shift helps in appreciating and identifying your unique skills.

Recognizing Your Value

Alan and Brad discuss the importance of recognizing and valuing one's unique skills. They emphasize the need for awareness in acknowledging the value of skills that may seem ordinary but are actually quite valuable in various environments.


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