How can TMS dosing be optimized?


Optimizing TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) dosing can be significantly improved by using spaced learning principles. Traditional TMS protocols, which involve administering treatment once a day for six weeks, do not fully utilize the potential benefits of spaced learning. Recent adjustments suggest a more intensive schedule might be effective: administering TMS five times the normal dose every hour for ten hours per day, over a course of five days. This condensed approach simulates seven and a half months worth of stimulation within just one week. This change not only consolidates the treatment duration but also increases its efficacy by allowing for more dendritic spine enlargement and priming, similar to the effects seen with Ketamine. Additionally, this approach includes resting state functional connectivity scans to precisely target necessary brain circuits, enhancing the treatment's specificity and effectiveness 1.

TMS Dosing and Space Learning

Nolan explains how the traditional TMS dosing approach didn't utilize space learning theory and how they reorganized the stimulation in times to take the whole six-week course in just five days. By giving five times the normal dose every hour for ten hours, for five days, they were able to utilize space learning theory and have seven and a half months worth of stimulation in five days.

Huberman Lab

Dr. Nolan Williams: Psychedelics & Neurostimulation for Brain Rewiring | Huberman Lab Podcast #93