joy in suffering


The idea of experiencing joy in suffering is explored by various experts across different episodes and discussions. Here are some insights shared by the experts:

  1. Jonathan Sacks explains that despite the historical suffering in Jewish narratives, celebrations and joy follow. In difficult times, he seeks the blessing within the suffering, believing that such events, although painful, can teach simplicity and lead to a deeper joy. He emphasizes that in adversity, you should not let go until you find the hidden blessing in the experiences [1].

  2. Alex Elle views suffering as a teacher that has shown her how to heal and navigate through life’s challenges. Through her suffering, she learned to release attachments and understand her role in personal experiences. This has helped her nurture her inner child and transform how she approaches motherhood [2].

  3. Katharine Jefferts Schori discusses the Christian perspective on suffering, suggesting that sometimes suffering is a necessary path to happiness and communal good. She underscores that entering into suffering with the belief of finding blessings can lead to restored creation and right relationships [3].

    Finding Joy in Suffering

    Rabbi Sachs and Bishop Schori discuss the role of sadness and suffering in their respective faith traditions. They explore how finding blessings within difficult experiences can lead to a deeper sense of joy and happiness.

    On Being with Krista Tippett

    [Unedited] The Dalai Lama, Jonathan Sacks, Katharine Jefferts Schori, and Seyyed Hossein Nasr with Krista Tippett
  4. Erik Wahl highlights the requisite of suffering in the pursuit of success, especially in sports and creativity. Facing resistance and hardship, according to him, is integral to achieving higher levels of achievement and ultimately finding joy [4].

  5. Tony Robbins shares his personal journey of mastering joy and happiness, emphasizing the importance of recognizing and avoiding states of suffering to maintain a joyous and creative life. He stresses the realization that happiness and suffering are internal states and that mastery over them enhances life quality [5].

  6. Sadhguru also stresses the importance of self-generated joy and peace. He argues that external conditions should not determine one’s happiness or suffering, suggesting that maintaining a joyful disposition can overcome any external or internal challenges [6].

  7. Paul Bloom explores the concept of 'benign masochism', where certain chosen sufferings can lead to pleasure and added meaning to life. This concept explores why some humans intentionally seek out suffering through challenging activities or spicy food, finding enjoyment and fulfillment in these experiences [7].

These perspectives offer a multifaceted view of how suffering can be not only a challenge but a profound opportunity for growth, learning, and ultimate joy.