What was recording the audiobook like?


Recording an audiobook can be a complex and emotional experience, varying widely depending on the material and the person narrating. Here are some insights from those who have undertaken the process:

  • IN-Q, a poet and artist, finds recording audiobooks a significant opportunity for artistic growth. Initially, he performed as if to a live audience but soon realized the intimacy of audiobooks required a different approach. This transition involved finding a voice that maintained passion yet conveyed intimacy, which was challenging but ultimately fulfilling for him 1.

  • James Smith, an author, describes recording his audiobook as an art form that requires mastering various technical aspects like proper breathing and sentence pacing. Spending hours in the studio reading his book, he noted the physical and vocal demands of audiobook recording 2.

  • Mo Gawdat shares a deeply emotional aspect of audiobook recording. When reading his own work, especially parts that addressed personal loss, he found the process both challenging and cathartic. His narration allowed him to reconnect with deeply personal content, which was both painful and healing 3.

    Evolving as an Artist

    IN-Q discusses his experience of writing his book and recording the audiobook, explaining how it allowed him to evolve as an artist and find a new approach to delivering his poetry with passion and intimacy.

    Rich Roll

    IN-Q Wants You To Inquire Within | Rich Roll Podcast

Each of these experiences reflects different facets of the audiobook recording process, highlighting the personal engagement and varied challenges that come with narrating one's own writing.