Fructose intake


Fructose intake, particularly when divorced from fiber, can be problematic for health. Here are some key points about the consumption of fructose discussed by and David Lustig:

  1. Fructose with Fiber: Fructose in fruits like berries is generally healthier because these fruits also contain significant amounts of fiber. Fiber helps mitigate the absorption of fructose, making it less harmful 1.

  2. Fructose without Fiber: When fructose is consumed without fiber, as in processed foods and beverages like soft drinks, it can contribute to various health issues. notes that fructose has the capability to seep through the gut barrier when consumed without fiber, potentially causing systemic inflammation and contributing to "leaky gut" syndrome 2.

  3. Impact on Hunger: Fructose can disrupt normal hunger signaling in the body. It interferes with hormones that regulate hunger, particularly ghrelin, which can increase appetite and cravings for sugary and fatty foods 3.

    The Fructose Fiber Debate

    Andrew and Robert discuss the impact of fructose on the body, emphasizing the importance of consuming it with fiber. Andrew shares a surprising MRI result that highlights his love for blueberries, while Robert explains why fructose without fiber can be problematic.

    Huberman Lab

    Dr. Robert Lustig: How Sugar & Processed Foods Impact Your Health
  4. Conversion Processes: In the body, fructose is primarily metabolized in the liver, where it can be converted to fats. This metabolic pathway can also contribute to post-meal spikes in triglycerides, impacting cardiovascular health 2.

It's essential to consume fructose in moderation and preferentially in forms that are accompanied by natural fibers, like whole fruits, to mitigate these adverse effects. For more information on how fructose affects health and should be handled in diets, you can check out the episode "" from the .