How to network effectively?


Effective networking involves several strategies and principles that can help you build and maintain meaningful relationships. Here are some key tips from Jordan Harbinger:

  1. Reconnect with Dormant Ties: Reach out to old contacts, such as former classmates or colleagues. This practice can reinvigorate your network and open up new opportunities 1.

  2. Attend Curated Events: Networking at curated events, rather than generic ones, increases the likelihood of meaningful connections. These events are often invite-only or have an entry fee, which ensures the quality and relevance of attendees 2.

  3. Develop New Contacts Proactively: If your network feels inactive, reach out to people in your company or your broader industry. Offer solutions to their challenges, which builds your reputation and connections 3.

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  4. Overcome Social Anxiety: When attending events, ease into conversations by picking one person to talk to at a time. Going with a socially adept friend can also help you stay engaged. Research who will be at the event beforehand to have conversation starters ready 4.

  5. Utilize the “Dossier Technique”: Before networking events, gather background information on potential contacts. This enables you to start conversations based on shared interests, making interactions more personal and memorable 5.

  6. Regular Follow-Up: Consistent follow-up is crucial. Check in periodically with your contacts, even if it’s just to say you were thinking of them. Use tools and systems to remind you to reach out regularly 6 7.

  7. Building Relationships at Work: Get to know the human side of colleagues and superiors. Show interest in how they do things and the history behind their methods. Building such relationships provides context and capital needed to address larger challenges later on 8.

Implementing these strategies from Jordan Harbinger can help you network effectively and develop a strong, supportive network.