What are resistant narratives?


Resistant narratives refer to deeply ingrained stories or beliefs that individuals hold, which often guide their perceptions, behaviors, and interactions. In the context of couple therapy, as explained by Suzanne Iasenza in her conversation with , transforming these narratives can be essential for overcoming negative patterns.

Iasenza highlights that some narratives can be detrimental, such as believing that a lack of sexual desire signifies a broken relationship. To address these resistant narratives, therapy can provide alternative models or perspectives that challenge and potentially replace harmful beliefs. For instance, educating couples about different approaches to sexual intimacy that do not prioritize desire can help them drop the narrative that they are broken 1.

Moreover, Iasenza emphasizes that recognizing differences within a relationship as natural and complementary rather than incompatible can transform couples' understanding of their communication problems. By providing these alternative narratives, therapists can help individuals depathologize their situations and view their relationships more positively 1.

Transforming Narratives

Suzanne explains how she helps couples transform their narratives in therapy by introducing alternative perspectives and models, which can depathologize them and lead to a more fluid and playful approach to sex. She also highlights the importance of recognizing and reframing negative beliefs about differences in relationships.

The Knowledge Project

Suzanne Iasenza - The Knowledge Project #75