What are parenting pitfalls?


Shane Parrish discussed potential pitfalls of well-intentioned parenting techniques that, over time, might lead to discontent or unhappiness in children. He highlighted approaches such as helicopter parenting and even more intense forms like lawnmower or steamroller parenting where parents preemptively remove obstacles to ensure their children face no difficulties 1. This intends to shield children from challenges, but can inadvertently prevent them from learning essential problem-solving skills and developing resilience. These parenting styles can make every aspect of a child's life feel overly critical, similar to the importance placed on scoring well on an SAT exam, leaving no room for mistakes or learning from failures. This overprotective approach might result in children developing anxiety about facing challenges independently 1.

Parenting Pitfalls

Laurie discusses the unintended consequences of well-intentioned parenting habits that prevent children from developing problem-solving skills and anxiety management techniques. Parents who try to remove all obstacles from their children's lives may be doing more harm than good.

The Knowledge Project

Evidence-Based Strategies for Being Happy | Laurie Santos | Knowledge Project 139