Why is it a forgotten exercise?


Some exercises have become "forgotten" or fell out of favor due to various reasons:

  1. Prerequisites and Mobility: Many exercises require a certain level of prerequisites and mobility to perform correctly. For example, exercises like behind-the-neck presses are often avoided in general training due to safety concerns and the difficulty most people face in performing them correctly without risking injury 1.

  2. Training Trends and Popularity: Exercise trends change over time based on what is popular among prominent athletes and fitness icons. When training methods change or new champions emerge with different routines, certain exercises naturally fade out of favor. For instance, exercises like the dumbbell pullover were more popular during Arnold Schwarzenegger's time but became less common as training methods evolved to focus more on isolation exercises 2.

  3. Specialization and Categorization Challenges: Some exercises are hard to categorize within a typical workout split (e.g., chest day vs. back day), leading to their decline in use. They don't fit neatly into conventional workout structures, which can make them less appealing to fitness enthusiasts who follow strict routines 2.

  4. Modern Attitudes Toward Exercise: There is a perception that older workout methods or less conventional exercises are outdated with the advent of new fitness technologies and methodologies. This has caused some highly effective, yet seemingly old-fashioned exercises, to be overlooked in favor of what appears to be more scientifically advanced training methods 3.

    Undervalued Exercises

    Justin, Sal, and Adam discuss the undervalued exercises that have been forgotten over time. They talk about the potential muscle-building benefits of unconventional movements and how they can be incorporated into workout routines. The hosts also suggest creating a program based on these exercises.

    Mind Pump Podcast

    1618: Using Creatine to Lose Weight, the Most Undervalued Exercises, How to Make Workouts Fun & More
  5. Commercial and Equipment Influences: The rise of gym equipment and machines has also contributed to the decline of certain exercises. For instance, isometric training, which doesn't rely on much equipment, fell out of favor because gyms started focusing on promoting exercises that require machinery and thus more gym memberships and equipment sales 4.

Overall, although these exercises may offer significant benefits, various factors including biomechanics, trends, and commercial influences have contributed to their reduction in popularity over time.