What can we discover by walking slowly?


Walking slowly can lead to deeper experiences and discoveries about one's surroundings. discusses the concept of "flanéuring," which involves strolling through your own city without a strict agenda, breaking from routine to see and experience things anew. This approach encourages looking for details and themes in your surroundings, like the color red or specific objects, that you might normally overlook if moving too quickly or with a set plan. Flanéuring is a way to re-engage with familiar environments in a new and more meaningful way, discovering both the seen and the unnoticed aspects of daily life 1.

Embracing Flanuring

Rolf discusses the concept of flanuring, emphasizing the importance of breaking routine to truly experience one's surroundings. He delves into psychogeography, encouraging listeners to explore their own cities with curiosity and openness to new experiences.

Tim Ferriss Show

Rolf Potts Interview: Part 2 (Full Episode) | The Tim Ferriss Show (Podcast)