does huberman shun those who don't believe in the benefits of certain supplements?
does not shun skeptics of certain supplements. Instead, he acknowledges their concerns and often addresses the scientific basis behind supplement claims.
For example, Dr. Huberman recognizes that skeptics argue vitamin and mineral supplements mostly result in "expensive urine" due to the excretion of water-soluble vitamins. He explains that while it's true these vitamins are often excreted, supplements can still be beneficial for covering dietary gaps for those not getting enough from food 1.
Furthermore, Huberman emphasizes the importance of a rational approach to supplementation, considering factors such as safety, cost, and specific health needs. He stresses that supplements cannot replace good nutrition and behavioral practices like exercise and proper sleep 2 3.
In fact, Huberman is open about his own experiences and even discusses "supplement fails" with guests like , showing an understanding of both successful and problematic supplementation attempts 4. This open stance underscores his recognition of the nuances and varying opinions within the field.