What is compartmentalization?


Compartmentalization refers to the strategy of mentally separating different aspects of your life to manage emotions and maintain focus. According to Audrey Bellis, it involves determining whether an issue is something beyond your control and, if so, deliberately choosing to focus on controllable elements. This approach helps avoid wasting energy on things that can’t be changed and maintains focus on what can be managed 1.

Additionally, John Zeratsky emphasizes the importance of compartmentalizing time, meaning to schedule specific periods for different types of tasks (e.g., focused work vs. administrative work) without letting them overlap. This practice can lead to improved efficiency and reduced stress, contributing to a sense of control and productivity 2.

Overcoming Adversity

Audrey shares her emotional journey of facing challenges, highlighting the importance of compartmentalizing and focusing on what is within one's control to build confidence and resilience in the face of adversity.


215 | Your Self-Worth is Not Your Net Worth | Audrey Bellis