Personal health


Jim O'Shaughnessy and Brett Andersen discuss personal health in terms of personal growth and competence. Brett emphasizes the transformative power of improving oneself, suggesting that individual development can bring the world closer to a better state. He also challenges the focus on self-esteem in culture, advocating for striving to be more than what one currently is. This perspective aligns with the idea that personal growth is not just about feeling good but also about realizing and striving towards one's potential. Jim agrees with these points, suggesting that these changes can positively impact overall well-being and the broader society 1.

Personal Growth

Brett and Ed share their insights on personal growth. Brett believes that becoming a competent and powerful individual can move the world one step closer to paradise. Ed advises finding something you're passionate about and doing it, as well as identifying what's stopping you from doing something and then doing it.

Infinite Loops 2022

Ep.139 — Intimations of a New World Worldview w/ Tom Morgan & Brett Andersen