

Here are some experts related to "React" that you might find useful:

  1. Dan Abramov: A notable software engineer with Meta's React team and creator of Redux. He has made significant contributions to open-source projects and is highly influential in the tech community. He appears on the The Changelog.

  2. Christopher Chedeau: A software engineer at Meta known for creating Excalidraw and co-creating Prettier and React Native. He has also contributed to React, Flux, Relay, and GraphQL. He has appeared on the The Changelog.

  3. John Lilly: Partner at Greylock Partners and former CEO of Mozilla. He co-founded Reactivity, an enterprise security infrastructure company. He appears on the Greymatter and 20VC.

  4. John Resig: Creator of the jQuery JavaScript library and current Chief Software Architect at Khan Academy. His notable contributions include his work with GraphQL. He has appeared on the The Changelog.

These experts have different backgrounds and contributions to the tech industry, particularly in software development and programming.