Leaving Yahoo


Stewart Butterfield, co-founder of Flickr and Slack, shared an amusing account of his resignation from Yahoo in the form of an unusual memo. When he informed his supervisor of his decision to quit, the supervisor asked him to email the resignation so it could be forwarded to HR. Butterfield crafted this memo in jest, inspired by the crotchety 19th-century business titan style from the Onion, despite Yahoo's challenging condition at that time. This highly memorable resignation reflected Butterfield's unique approach to what was a standard procedure 1 .

Unusual Resignation Memo

Stewart discusses the highly unusual resignation memo he wrote when leaving Yahoo, inspired by a fictional publisher's style. The memo reflects his mental clarity about the state of things for him personally and his career. Discover the unique and entertaining story behind this memorable resignation.

Invest Like the Best

Stewart Butterfield - We Don’t Sell Saddles Here - [Founder’s Field Guide, EP. 43]