Number of investments
Number of investments
Investors often have varied approaches when deciding on the number of investments they make within a specific timeframe or fund:
- Anthony Pompliano mentioned making 39 investments in a nine-month period 1.
- Puneet Agarwal of True Ventures indicated they do about 45 to 50 investments per fund, which equates to around 20 new investments per year 2.
- Charlie Songhurst, engaged in angel investing, has made approximately 500 investments over time, with about 300 still active in his portfolio 3.
Venture Capital Insights
Anthony shares data-driven insights on venture capital, emphasizing the importance of being early in the best deals for outsized returns. Their approach aims to eliminate the traditional J curve, showing promising early signals in the portfolio's performance.20VC20VC: Why Cheque Size & Follow On Decision-Making Does Not Matter, Why Intelligence Is Overrated & Why You Should Do Everything You Can To Make Other People Successful with Anthony Pompliano, Founding Partner @ Full Tilt Capital123
These numbers showcase different strategies from venture capital to angel investing, reflecting variations in investment philosophies and portfolio management.