Brain addict
Brain addict
If you're passionate about understanding the brain and human behavior, here are some podcasts that would cater to a "brain addict":
- Host: Shankar Vedantam
- Focuses on the unconscious patterns that drive human behavior, biases in decision-making, and the science behind relationships.
- Host: Andrew Huberman
- Delves into neuroscience and mental health, exploring topics like emotions, psychedelics, and optimizing health and performance.
- Host: Dave Asprey
- Covers brain health, biohacking, and cognitive enhancement, with insights from various health experts.
- Host: Louisa Nicola
- Offers discussions on brain health, longevity, metabolic health, and athletic performance, featuring doctors, researchers, and athletes.
- Host: Dr. David Sinclair
- Explores the science of aging and longevity, including brain health and medical interventions to extend life span.
These podcasts explore various aspects of neuroscience, psychology, and biohacking, providing deep insights into the human mind and its potential.