Should you quit without a plan?


Quitting without a clear plan should be approached with caution and intention. Jordan Harbinger explores varying perspectives on this subject:

  1. Evaluate Reasons: It's crucial to scrutinize your reasons for leaving—ensure they are substantial and not due to transient frustrations. Assess if quitting aligns with your long-term goals and personal development 1.

  2. Schools of Thought: Different experts hold varied opinions. Some advocate having your next step firmly in place, while others support taking risks or pursuing personal enrichment activities after quitting, such as traveling or learning new skills 1.

  3. Embracing Uncertainty: Leaving a job inevitably brings uncertainty, which can be unsettling but also liberating. Setting goals, habits, and networking rigorously can help in managing this uncertainty and paving the way for future opportunities 2.

  4. Toxic Work Environments: In cases where a job seriously impacts your mental and physical health, quitting might be necessary even without a plan. However, first try to find strategies to manage such environments effectively 1.

Quitting without a plan is not inherently wrong, but it requires strategic thinking and self-awareness to ensure that the decision contributes positively to your personal and professional development.

Quitting Without a Plan

Gabriel discusses the importance of figuring out your reasons for leaving a job before making plans to quit. He also explores the different schools of thought on whether or not you should have your next job lined up before quitting, and when it might be wise to take the risk of quitting without a plan.

The Jordan Harbinger Show

641: How to Quit Your Job the Right Way | Deep Dive