What is the future of E Two?


The future of Ethereum 2.0 involves significant technical advancements and improvements over time. Key discussions centered around the following points:

  1. Progressive Implementation: Ethereum 2.0 is being rolled out in phases. Vitalik Buterin mentions that Phase Zero, which includes the introduction of Proof of Stake, is close to release. Subsequent phases will introduce sharding, enhancing scalability to potentially 100,000 transactions per second when combined with roll-ups 1 2.

  2. Interoperability: Ethereum developers see a future where Layer 2 solutions (L2s) and other blockchains are interconnected, making Ethereum a secure base layer (L1). This could lead to seamless token trades and reduced fragmentation among L2s 3.

    Ethereum Two: Shipping Soon?

    Vitalik Buterin discusses the progress of Ethereum Two, assuring that Phase Zero is close to being released and will provide the promised features. He also mentions the introduction of Sharding and ultra-high scalability, which will be available sooner than expected.
    35 - Designing Ethereum | Vitalik Buterin
  3. Liquidity and Stake Management: Options for enabling liquidity, such as a wrapped ETH2 token or an internal order book, are being explored. These solutions aim to provide flexibility for stakers to trade or manage their staked assets efficiently 2.

  4. Scalability Techniques: Vitalik explains the two main paradigms for scaling—Layer 1 (making the blockchain itself more capable) and Layer 2 (using protocols on top of the blockchain). For Ethereum, sharding is the primary Layer 1 solution, while roll-ups dominate Layer 2 4.

The overall vision is for Ethereum 2.0 to become more scalable, secure, and interconnected, supporting a robust ecosystem for various applications and transactions.